On your energy saving journey, you may have recently learned some energy saving tips for business owners. Here are some cheap lighting solutions and more tips for lighting on a budget.
How Small Businesses Can Start Saving Money with LED
Owning a small business can be a rewarding and challenging endeavor. Entrepreneurs face numerous challenges when they operate a small business, with financial costs being one of the main problems. Lowering lighting costs can have a significant impact on your budget.
Switch to LED
Changing all your light bulbs to the more efficient LED lightbulbs is a great start. LED bulbs require less wattage than CFL (compact fluorescent light) and incandescent light bulbs. Saving money with LED is a cheap lighting solution over time. These green lights have a life expectancy of 11 years of continued operation. In contrast, incandescent light bulbs need to be replaced after 800-1500 hours of use. LED lights are reported to live six times longer than fluorescent light. Fewer replacements means fewer costs.
Energy auditing
Many businesses begin their energy cost saving journey by hiring experts to execute energy audits. However, hiring an energy expert may not fit in the budget of a small business. A similar step you can take when lighting on a budget is to take advantage of online energy saving calculators. You simply plug in information about your business, and the calculator will determine what suggestions are best for your energy saving needs.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy provides free calculators for many energy-saving products from dishwashers and ice machines to computers and imaging equipment.
Use technology and work-from-home
Using technology can help you keep down energy and lighting costs. There are a variety of free video-chat applications on the market, including Skype and Google Hangouts. Instead of driving to meetings, try conducting virtual meetings with employees and clients. Save the expense of lighting a conference room.
Provide employees with a work-from-home option. Allowing employees to work from home would save money on overhead costs and equipment. You can remain in contact with the video-chat applications previously mentioned.
If you don’t want employees always working from home, opting for a “work from home day” can be a fun day you can try once a month. On this day, close the office, and employees can complete their daily tasks from home. You can use technology to keep in touch and remain productive, while saving lighting and operating costs.
Tax incentives
The government offers tax incentives when investing in energy-saving business appliances and equipment. For example, LED lights use less electricity than competitors, so they’re considered a green alternative. You can explore the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy tax incentives for more information. Be sure to check your state and local governments for regulations to learn more about differing tax incentives.
Market your energy-saving efforts
Let your customers know what you’re doing. These lighting solutions are not only great for savings, but they can also help attract energy conscientious customers. Let your customers know you’re saving money with LED lights. There’s no shame in cheap lighting solutions, as they are all ultimately a positive impact on the environment.
LED Solutions with LED Light & Power
At LED Light & Power, we understand all the benefits of LED lights and minimizing operating costs for your business. Switching over to LED lights is a simple step to begin your energy saving journey. Learn more about how LED light products can provide you with cheap lighting solutions.
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