How LED in the City is Changing around the World

The city of Los Angeles has built a massive LED display, alongside their newest skyscraper. Here’s some info on the project and how it could apply to other cities like Las Vegas.How LED in the City is Changing around the World

How LED in the City is Changing around the World

We’ve discussed how LED lights impact our health and the environment. The impression made by LED in the city of Las Vegas is only the beginning. LED lights in major cities has been revolutionary around the world.

LED architecture

In the last decade, architects have used LED lights to highlight the buildings they design and bring them into the 21st century. In June 2017, the Wilshire Grand celebrated its grand opening in Los Angeles by showing off its 2,520-square foot LED display. It is a pioneer among skyscrapers, as the addition of the LED display made it the tallest building in California.

Dubai’s architectural wonder, Burj Khalifa, holds the world record for tallest building in the world. It’s also home to a 33,000-square foot LED screen. Burj Khalifa’s screen is one of the largest in the world, and it displays a colorful LED light show for spectators.

LED streetlights

In the last few years, major cities across America have begun to switch their sodium vapor and fluorescent street lights for LED lights. Cities such as Las Vegas, New York City, Phoenix, and Los Angeles have made the switch to LED street lights.

In 2013, Las Vegas installed over 40,000 LED street light lamps heads. The project cost about $18 million and would pay for itself with savings of $2 million a year for the next ten years.

Not long after city planners switched streetlights to LED in the city of Los Angeles, the city used its savings to charge electric vehicles. This was due to power plants being left with excess energy after the transition to LED streetlights. This inadvertent benefit of their switch to LED resulted in the creation of 100 new electric car charging stations!

The switch to LED in the city of New York led to some unhappy people. The LED street light complaints stemmed from the streetlights being too bright for the citizens. The original bulbs were 78 watts, and after the complaints, NYC switched to the lower intensity of 64 watts. New Yorkers were more satisfied as the lower intensity LED bulbs reduced light pollution and glare.

LED advertising

Since 2011, Harmon’s Retail Corner in Las Vegas has been home to one of the largest LED screens in the world. The Harmon Retail Corner advertises shows and events on the Las Vegas Strip.

Wilshire Grand famously displayed a light show, as well as the Korean Air logo to commemorate its grand opening. The Wilshire Grand and Burj Khalifa could follow in the steps of Times Square in New York City and the Fremont Experience in Las Vegas by using LED lights to advertise.

Join the Revolution with LED Lights

The revolution by LED lights is rapidly changing major cities and the world around us. In the next few years, we hope to see LED lights transform more cities through their inclusion in architecture and advertising. Explore our LED street lights and see how we are leading the revolution of LED lights in Las Vegas.

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