Did you know sunlight is a vital part of person’s health and happiness? Sunlight is needed to create Vitamin D. It helps absorb calcium, which gives us stronger bones and teeth. Without light, our bones wouldn’t develop properly, and we would be overall miserable. Considering this effect light has on the human species, doctors have […]
Improve the Office by Replacing Fluorescent Lights with LED Lights
Do you hear it? Do you feel it? Are you yawning throughout your workday? Our LED light company in Las Vegas understands.The fluorescent lights above your head are affecting you, and not in an illuminating way. See why it’s time to replace these draining bulbs with LED lights. The Power of LED Lights Mimics natural […]
New Phone Case with LED Lights at CES 2017
Each year, tech enthusiasts and professionals from around the world descend upon Sin City for a multi-day showcase of the latest and greatest in the ever-evolving world of electronics. While most of the big media attention tends to gravitate towards the latest new ultra high definition TV or what kind of new technology will be […]
Shedding a Light on Alzheimer’s
There may be a connection between LED lights and curing Alzheimer’s disease. Reserchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have found that certain combinations of flashing LED lights may encourage the growth of protective cells that can help prevent the onset of memory loss diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. LED’s Shedding a Light […]
Kick Off the New Year With LED Lights
The start of a brand new year lies just around the corner, and with it comes the opportunity for a fresh start. New Year’s resolutions are a common tradition, and while many people struggle to keep these promises, improving your life doesn’t need to be too complex. In fact, making the switch to LED lighting […]
Protecting Your Investment in Christmas LED Lights
Nothing initiates the holiday season quite like seeing Christmas lights strung around your home. By now, you understand how fantastic Christmas LED lights are for your budget, saving you a ton of money in electrical costs. With the investment you’ve made on your outdoor LED Christmas lights, you’ll surely want to do everything you can […]
Recent Projects by LED Light & Power
From homes and schools to casinos and aquariums, there’s no facility that can’t benefit from the addition of new LED lights. With so much variety available, there’s certainly an LED light tube or fixture perfect for whatever job you require. There’s no better way to see all the benefits LED lighting can provide than to […]
Comparison of LED Light Costs
One of the driving factors that lead many home and business owners to switch out their incandescent light bulbs is the savings from LED light costs. You’ve more than likely heard that LED lights can save you a money, but when it’s time to replace your light bulbs, the low and immediate prices of compact […]
Flexible LED Lights for Your Holiday Decorations
The holidays are right around the corner! That means the race to get your decorations up and running is on. If you’re looking for the easiest way to make your lights to shine brighter than ever, some new flexible LED lights may be just what you need. These eye-catching flexible LED lights make your holiday […]
LED Lights: Beat the Heat
LED lights possess a wide array of benefits that make them an enticing option for many homeowners throughout the country. Putting aside the health benefits that LED lights provide, such as lower stress and improved productivity, there is also a slew of energy-related reasons to make the switch to LED lighting. One of the best […]
The Dangers of UV Emissions
The growing popularity of LED lighting stems from the wide array of benefits they provide. One of the significant health benefits of making the switch to LED lights is their natural lack of dangerous UV emissions. Most people are aware that UV emissions are harmful when you’re exposed to them for extended periods of time, […]